The Borrego Art Institute is a very special place in a stellar little corner of the world. BAI is a beacon of culture and education in the tiny town of Borrego Springs. It offers classes for the young, old and in between. Its gallery features not only desert-focused Plein Air works but also the avant-garde. The botanical gardens feed visitors and locals and educate them as well. Our pottery studio is a popular favorite in town and produces some of the finest work in the region. On a yearly basis the institute welcomes over 18,000 guests, offers nearly 1,500 student participant visits, and distributes 1,800 bags of fresh produce.

Now, this special place is looking for a very special type of donor. Perhaps it’s you. The Institute survives and its continued success relies on two major sources of funding: donations and grants.   With generous help from donors like you, BAI has been semi-stable on the donation front.   Grants, however, are a different story.  Although extremely useful, they are less predictable.  Government funding can be reallocated, private foundation eligibilities may change, and sometimes we are simply overlooked or beaten out in this highly competitive environment. 

Three-for-Three donations will not only improve BAI’s financial strength and enable contributions to the community, but serve as a safety net for future years when grant resources are slim.  All donations are tax deductible and can be designated for use in any way you choose — the gardens, for education, the pottery studio, or simply wherever funds are needed most.
Can you help strengthen and preserve this unique and vital resource in Borrego Springs? It is our sincere hope that you will join us in this program and help make a difference by being a defender of the arts and education, and by sharing the good work we do with your friends and colleagues.
For more information, please contact BAI’s Executive Director, Wade Beane at: [email protected]